About Us
Sonic Precision Engineering Sdn. Bhd., a duly registered company in Malaysia which nature of business includes
manufacture of machine precision parts especially in the Photonic Industry and advanced precision Diamond Tools in the automotive and Oil & Gas Industries. Our latest models of CNC Milling, CNC Lathe (Turning & Mill),Cylindrical Grinding, Surface Grinding, CNCWire EDM & other Machines plus a full range of QA measuring Equipment Tools, which include CMM, Height Master, Profile Projector,
Tools 1
PCD Diamond Cutting Tools
Tools 2
PCBN Diamond Cutting Tools
Tools 3
Mass Production Parts- CNC Machining
Tools 4
Mass Production Parts- CNC Machining
Product Range 1
Semiconductor Stamping
Product Range 2
Forming Tools
Machine 1
- CNC milling.
- CNC turn/mill.
Machine 2
Machine 3
- Universal Griding.
- PCD/PCBN Grinding.
- Surface Grinding.
- Cylindrical Grinding.
Machine 4
- CMM,
- PCD Form Tools Measuring Equipment.
- Profile Projecctors.